1.<html> = This tag is used to start a webpage
2.<head> = To store information about webpage
3.<title> = To enter a title for webpage
4.<body> = To show web content
5.<H1>, <H2>, <H3> etc. = To display heading
6.<p>, <p2>, <p3> etc. = To make a paragraph
7.<BR> = To display the text as a new line. This tag has no end tags.
8.<NoBR> = To avoid separate words
9. = To leave each blank space.
10. <PRE> = To make web remain as it is when run on the web browser
11.<FONT COLOR = "maroon"> = TO change color of any text
12.<BODY TEXT ="maroon" BGCOLOR="pink"> = To change background color of webpage
13.<OL>|<LI> <LI> <LI>|</OL> = To create a ordered list of any items.
14.<UL>|<LI> <LI>|</UL> = To create unordered list of items.
15.<b> = To display text in bold text.
16.<U> = To display text in underlined.
17.<i> = To display text in italics.
18.<strike> = To display text in strike/half cutting shape.
19.10^2 = 10<sup> 2 </sup>
20.H2O = H <sub> 2 </sub>
21.<cite> = To cite /quote sentence
23.<a> = To create hyperlinks.
24.<a href="http://www.tejrajgaire.com">Gaire</a> = When clicked shows other portion page of the same webpage http://www.tejrajgaire.com
25.<a href="http://www.tejrajgaire.com/">gaire</a> = When clicked opens some other webpage
26.<a href="http://www.tejrajgaire.com" target="_blank">gaire</a> = When clicked the gaire link will open in a new window. To open any link in a new window.
27.<IMG SRC ="picture path; Align= "top"> = To add picture link in a web
28.<Frame> = To show frame in a web
29.<form> = To create a form in a website
30.<button> = To create a button
Frame example
To create a frame
<frameset cols= "50"%,50%">
<frame rows= "50"%, 50%">
<frame src="http://www.tejrajgaire.com">
<frame src="http://www.freedownload-sites.com">
To creat a form example
<form method =post action = "/cgi-bin/register.pl">
Name:  :  <input type = "text" Name = "First Name" size= "30" maxlength="15" </form>
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