By Charles Owen-Jackson
Freelance writing is one of the many ways to make money on the Internet and is perhaps the easiest and fast is to get into. I started making a considerable amount of money out of it after just a couple of months which compared to many other genuine online business ventures, is certainly quick and easy money.
I use freelance writing to fund my travels nowadays and I greatly regret not getting into it several years ago as I would never have had to come home on a frequent basis to start working again and saving up for my next jaunt around Europe. Freelance writing is not so well suited to people who like to travel quickly but if you're on the road for a long time, and you tend to travel slowly, then freelance writing is an amazingly effective way to keep on your travels. Of course, it is good for just about anyone who wants to be able to work from home and be at liberty to work when and where they want.
It is very easy to find freelance writing jobs and there are quite a lot of sites and directories to choose from where people regularly post all sorts of jobs from web design to content writing. Finding these jobs can literary happen overnight but it will take a little bit longer if you want to find a decent and well paid jobs. Making sure you uploaded decent profile is a great bonus as is being a native English speaker.
To get started, you will typically need to send some samples to prospective employers and yes, you do need to be able to write well. However, it is not the same as writing for newspapers and a lot of the work is indeed rewriting for search engine optimisation. The cheaper projects tend to supply all the research material you need so you can get the job done super quickly.
The amount of money you earn is not only dependent on how much the employer pays you, but even more importantly, how fast you can actually produce an article. If you are writing articles based on research that you have been supplied by the employer, you could probably turnover 5 to 6 articles an hour of four and to five hundred words each. Any respectable employer will pay you at least $2.50 for a 400 word article so that's already up to $15.00 an hour. However, if you are fairly good at what you do, you can probably earn almost twice that.
The only things you need are a computer and Internet access and if you have a laptop, you can pretty much work anywhere in the world so long as there is an Internet supply. If you want the freedom of being able to work at home or on the go, then freelance writing is possibly the best way to start since it requires absolutely no investment, not much time to get into are not necessarily great deal of specialist knowledge.
About the Author
Charles Jackson is an enthusiastic traveller who has spent over six years travelling on and off around Europe and getting to know a number of some of the best destinations there are. You can find more information about his travels along with travel advice and various guides over at
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